To, co widzicie na zdjęciu, to najmniejsze na świecie kino objazdowe — Sol Cinema. Poza niewielkimi gabarytami, które zwracają uwagę, jest jeszcze jedna rzecz godna odnotowania - kino jest zasilane wyłącznie przez energię słoneczną.
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Poland reports on the Sol Cinema
To, co widzicie na zdjęciu, to najmniejsze na świecie kino objazdowe — Sol Cinema. Poza niewielkimi gabarytami, które zwracają uwagę, jest jeszcze jedna rzecz godna odnotowania - kino jest zasilane wyłącznie przez energię słoneczną. Read more here
The Telegraph featured Sol Cinema in their list of Britain's tiny places.
While its claim to be the ‘smallest cinema in the solar system’ may not be strictly true, the Sol Cinema is certainly the smallest in Britain to be powered entirely by the sun. It’s also one of the more peripatetic cinemas, since its screen, projector, red carpet and plush bench seating for eight are all fitted into a titchy vintage caravan. At just 9ft long and 7ft high, it can be towed almost anywhere. The interior is a thing of kitsch beauty and the seating is set out in two racked rows, the front benches complete with tassels. A low-energy LED video projector is set high on the back wall and there are surround-sound speakers dotted about. Although based on the Gower peninsula in South Wales, the Sol Cinema, brainchild of documentary-maker Paul O’Connor, travels all over the country and occasionally further afield, often turning up at festivals. Based in S Wales; Read full list here |
December 2023